Wednesday 26 June 2013

Rothaus - Pils Tannenzäpfle

A german friend of mine introduced me to this beer a good while back as it is one of his favourite beers and he always seems to offer it when I am up to do work on his garden. According to him the brewery/beer has quite a cult following but I've never quite understood the reason why, perhaps it is the novelty of selling a beer in Germany in a 33cl bottle ?

A light waft of sweet malt, a light citrus and fresh cut grass on the pour.

Pils Tannenzäpfle pours very pale yellow gold with tight white head. Sweet malt, light hops and quite herby on the intake with a mildly bitter finish. Malt and grass in the short aftertaste.Very light mouthfeel without being too watery.

I would call this a lawnmower beer. Light, extremely clean tasting and refreshing pils. I'd have no problem sitting in the back yard and drinking a few of these, preferably with some brats on the barbeque. All in all, this one is a solid decent pils and I've no complaints or gripes. It is certainly not earth shattering but definitely worth trying if you want a good, well above average pils that has no trendy labeling of a industrial brewer.....

This scored 5/10 on 'what the hell does Tannenzäpfle mean ?' Beerometer.

Alc : 5.1%
Where to buy CPH : Kihoskh, Sønder Boulevard 53, Kbh V

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